CEMI - Centar za monitoring i istraživanje

The Three-Day Training on "Advocacy and research"

22. Jan. 2024. in news

Centre for Monitoring and Research (CeMI) has successfully organized a three-day training on the subject ''Advocacy and research'' which was held on the 19th, 20th and 21st of January at Hotel Serdar in Mojkovac.

The goal of the training is to bolster the participants' capacity for effective research and advocacy of public issues, and the lecturer Goran Djurovic, who is an expert in this area, shared his high knowledge with our participants through teaching and activities within this training.

Training encompassed key aspects of researching process, including formulation of research questions, gathering and analyzing data, and also writing reports and recommendations for policies.

On the first day, the focus was on defining the concept of advocacy and elements of the process, familiarizing the participants with the basics of public advocacy, including identification of the issue (subject) and the strategy of advocacy.

The second day was dedicated to researching the subject by analyzing the issues and possible techniques of gathering data with the purpose of researching the subject (issue) for the campaign of advocacy. The participants had an opportunity to get more familiar with the given subject by completing questionnaires and by group focus.

On the third day, the participants got familiar with the process of creating an action plan for a campaign of advocacy, including the way of effective communication with the key actors, how to create advocacy messages and campaigns, and also how to use the media and social media for the promotion of their goals.

This training was organized within the project,,JUST IN TIME – Support for keepers of human rights and OCD in the area of promotion of human rights and development of democratic political culture'' which CeMI has been implementing in cooperation with the NGO Juventas, Help – Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe, Queer Montenegro and Open center Bona fide, with the support of the European Union delegation and the Ministry of public administration.