Annual reports
Studies and briefs
Comparative Balkan Politics
Annual Report 2022
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Annual Programme and Financial Report 2020
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Annual Programme and Financial Report 2019
Annual Programme and Financial Report 2018
Annual Programme and Financial Report 2017
Annual Programme and Financial Report 2016
Annual Programme and Financial Report 2015
Annual Programme and Financial Report 2014
Annual Programme and Financial Report 2013
Annual Programme and Financial Report 2012
Annual Programme and Financial Report 2011
Annual Programme and Financial Report 2010
Annual Programme and Financial Report 2009
Annual Programme and Financial Report 2008
Annnual Programme and Financial Report 2007
Annual Programme and Financial Report 2005
Annual Programme and Financial Report 2004
Annual Programme and Financial Report 2003
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Guidelines for Handling Requests for Access to Information
Application of the article 42a of the criminal code in cases of hate crimes against members of the LGBTI community
Enhancing Human Resources Management in the Montenegrin Court System: Towards an Efficient Judiciary
Penal Policy and Application of Alternative Sanctions in Montenegro
Guide for employers - Rights and inclusion of LGBTI persons in labour market
Alternative sanctions: Reintegration Through Resocialization
An informative guide to protection against digital gender-based violence
Investigating and Uncovering Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior - A practical toolkit
Tools and Approaches on Investigating Abuse of State Resources - A forward-looking toolkit
Investigating the use of Social Media for Political Purpose during Elections - Overview document
Ideas and Approaches on Investigating Online Campaign Violations - A forward-looking toolkit
The Reform of electoral legislation in Montenegro
Analysis of the legislative framework and practice in the field of protection of the rights and integration of migrants in Montenegro and EU countries
Analysis - Respect for the rights and position of minority peoples and other minority national communities in Montenegro
Results and efficiency of application of alternative sanctions in Montenegro
Equality of LGBTIQ persons before the law
Analytical Paper - Reshaping the electoral run through the usage of social media in Montenegro
Judicial Reform: Upgrading CSO’s capacities to contribute to the integrity of judiciary
Institute of Plea Agreements in Montenegrin Legislation and Practice
Right to a trial within a reasonable time – analysis of national legislation and practice
Civic monitoring of the presidential elections - Montenegro 2018 - Final report
Handbook for non-profit organizations “Advocacy of changes in public policies”
Civic monitoring of the local elections in Montenegro 2018 - Final report
Are municipalities in Montenegro fighting against corruption and how?
Between Forum Leader and Reform Simulacrum
Summary of the policy proposal "Reintroduce the ban on smoking in public spaces"
Organization of Political Parties and Internal Democracy of Political Parties in Albania
A model of optimal accommodative political representation in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 21st century
The Influence of Intra-Party Regulations on Intra-Party Democracy in the Republic of Macedonia
Presidentialization of political parties and intra-party democracy in Montenegro
Expert analysis - Consumer protection in European law and in the practice of international and national courts
Political crisis in Montenegro between toward and towards to solution
Monitoring the work of the Protector of Human Rights and Freedoms
Status and financing of political parties in Montenegro
Elections and electoral legislation in Montenegro 1990-2004
Handbook “Get to know the European Union”
Handbook on conflict of interests for public officers
Monitoring of respect for the presumption of innocence and the right to counsel - Report 2005
Monitoring of Referendum Campaign Financing
Referendum in Montenegro in 2006
Political parties and party systems
Electoral and Party System in Montenegro - A Perspective of Internal Party Democracy Development
Role of the Parliament of Montenegro in fight against corruption
Prevention and early detection of colorectal cancer in Montenegro
Political corruption – Montenegro story
Reform of the Anti-Corruption institutions in Montenegro - How to make the system more efficient?
Comparative practices in the production, registration and distribution of drugs and medical devices
The cost of corruption - Analysis of the effects of anti-corruption policies
Assessment of the implementation of Open Government Partnership (OGP) obligations - Summary practical policy proposal
How to make internal party democracy possible? Institutional factors and internal dynamics of intra-party relations
Practical Policy Study: "Access to the Labor Market - A Review from the Position of Persons with Disabilities, Roma and Egyptians"
Plagiarism in Montenegro: Corruption that we forgive
Concise practical policy proposal "Prevention and early detection of colorectal cancer in Montenegro"
Summary of the practical policy proposal "Access to the labor market - a review from the position of PWDs, Roma and Egyptians"
Political activism of women in Montenegro
Elections and electoral legislation in Montenegro 1990-2006
The manual 'Get to know the system in order to change it'
Election Integrity and the Abuse of State Resources in the Western Balkans - Policy Brief
Electoral Reform in Montenegro - Recommendations for Improvement
Hate speech against LGBTI people- challenges an solutions
Position of Minorities in the Political Life of Montenegro - policy brief
Position of minorities in the political life of Montenegro
Admissibility of the use of encrypted communications as evidence in criminal proceedings
Study on system of international legal assistance in criminal matters in Montenegro
The power of media and politics - Analysis of influence on the electoral processes in Montenegro
Risk of politicization of the prosecutorial council of Montenegro
Judicial Independence in Montenegro – Myth or Reality
Enhancing Judicial and Prosecutorial Accountability - National Framework for Ethics and Discipline
Countering High-Level Corruption - Study on the Special State Prosecutors Office's Performance in High-level corruption cases (2020-2023)
Winding road - from the National Council for the Fight against High-Level Corruption to the National Council for the Fight Against Corruption
Abuse of State Resources - Presidential elections in Montenegro 2023
Policy brief - Political participation of the RE population in Montenegro
An Overview of the Possibility of Implementing Remote Hearings in Montenegro
Policy Study - Abuse of State Resources in Montenegro
Montenegrin citizenship and Domicile - How to get an up-to-date Central Voter Register
Comparative analysis of the Montenegrin legislative and institutional framework in the field of Whistleblower Protection with Recommendations for Improvement
Legal Framework in the field of conflict of Interest in Montenegro with Comparative overview and Recommendations for Improvement
Review of technology for conducting elections activities in Montenegro
Montenegro’s EU integration path: between rhetoric and practice
Reform of the Electoral Legislation in Montenegro
Voters, parties and elections - how to democratize parties in Montenegro and Serbia?
POLICY BRIEF Montenegro: A captured state or a leading candidate for EU accession?
Work of Prosecutions and Courts in Fight Against Corruption at the Local Level
How Much Are Montenegrin Local Self-Governments(Non)Transparent?
The system of consumer rights protection in Montenegro – how to reach the European level of consumer rights protection in Montenegro?
Policy brief "Rights of patients with disabilities"
Health care system and patients' rights in Montenegro - Winning the trust of citizens
Ex officio defense - domino effect of circumventing the legal procedure
Notary in Montenegro
Rationalization of the judicial network in Montenegro - effects of the first phase from 2013 to 2016
Court experts in the Montenegrin legal system
Analysis of “Public Executors in Montenegro”
Mediation in Montenegro
How to improve mediation in Montenegro
The Price of Fight against Corruption
How to Make Intra-Party Democracy Possible? Institutional Factors and Internal Dynamics of Intra-Party Relations
Political Pluralism and Internal Party Democracy - National Study for Bosnia and Herzegovina
Report "Transparency and Defense in Montenegro"
Study on Spatial Planning and Construction – Risks of Corruption
Administrative investigation in fight against corruption
Corruption risk assessment in the Healthcare system of Montenegro
Analysis of the effects of anticorruption policies in Montenegro 2012/2013 - Recommendations for improvement
Access to the labor market - Overview from the position of Roma, Egyptians and Persons with Disabilities
Patient's rights in Montenegro: Making health care system accountable
Plagiarism in Montenegro: Corruption we forgive?!
The establishment of personal assistance services in Montenegro
Study "Risk Assessment of Corruption in the Defense Sector"
Report on the Implementation of the Judicial Reform Strategy 2007-2012
Study "Administrative Investigation in the Fight against Corruption"
Study "Risk Assessment of Corruption in the Health System of Montenegro"
Study "Analysis of the effects of anti-corruption policies in Montenegro 2012/2013 - Suggestions for improvement"
Study "Analysis of the effects of anti-corruption policies in Montenegro and proposals for their improvement"
"Reform of anti-corruption institutions in Montenegro: how to make the system more efficient?" Study
"Anti-corruption in education policy - effects of applying the existing one and recommendations for adopting a new one" Study
Public Policy Study "Prevention and Early Detection of Colorectal Cancer in Montenegro"
Public Policy Study “From Integrative to Inclusive Education: Keeping Up with Needs”
Patient's rights in Montenegrp
Guidelines for public procurement in the healthcare sector
Participation of the civil sector in the creation and implementation of anti-corruption policies in Montenegro
Proposal for increasing the role and effectiveness of the Parliament of Montenegro in the fight against corruption
Political corruption - Montenegrin story
Reform of Anti-Corruption Institutions in Montenegro: How to make the system more efficient?
Increasing budget expenditures for political entities - financial negligence of political parties
Comparative practices in the production, registration and distribution of medicines and medical devices
The price of corruption - Analysis of the effects of anti-corruption policies
Assessment of the Implementation of Open Government Partnership (OGP) Obligations - Summary Practical Public Policy Proposal
Electoral and Party System in Kosovo – A Perspective of Internal Party Democracy Development
Electoral and party system in Montenegro - Prospects for the development of intra-party democracy
Study “State Election Commission of Montenegro - Models for improvement
A step backwards in the fight against corruption in the field of health
Annual Report on the Implementation of Anti-Corruption Policies in Montenegro 2013/2014
Study: “Sustainable Institutional Mechanisms for Improving the Representation of Minorities in the Montenegrin Parliament”
Study “Situation of displaced persons, internally displaced persons and RAE population in Montenegro”
Plagiarism in Montenegro - Metastases
Agency for Prevention of Corruption - Are We Ready?
Academic deception - How to get out of the vicious circle
Arms export control
Mapping study: Implementing of open government partnershio in Montenegro
Free legal aid in Montenegro - systemic effects in the period 2012-2014
Comparative Balkan Politics, Volume 2, Issue 1
Comparative Balkan Politics, Volume 1, Issue 1
National Corruption Assessment Report 2023
Report on online violence against women in politics in Montenegro
Final report - civic monitoring of parliamentary elections 2023
Final Report - Civic monitoring of presidential elections 2023
Report on project supported through the sub-granting scheme
Final Report 2023
Annual report on monitoring judicial proceedings in Montenegro June 2022 - September 2023
Plea bargaining agreement concept in montenegrin legislation and practice
Report on National Anticorruption Policies Montenegro 2023
Report on Preliminary Findings and Conclusions II round
Report on Preliminary Findings and Conclusions - First round
Reporting on the work of the Agency for the Prevention of Corruption in Montenegro (ASK)
Final Report - Civic Monitoring of Local Elections Niksic - Montenegro 2021
Report on Preliminary Conclusions and Findings - Civic Monitoring of Local Elections in Niksic - Montenegro 2021
Final report - Reshaping the Electoral run through the usage of social media in Montenegro
Final Report - Civic Monitoring of Parliamentary and Local Elections Montenegro 2020
Statement of Preliminary Findings and Conclusions - Civic Monitoring of Parliamentary and Local Elections - Montenegro 2020
Interim Report -Civic Monitoring of Parliamentary and Local Elections - Montenegro 2020
Bailiffs in Montenegro – Achievements and challenges in the work of bailiffs and the enforcement of judicial decisions – Annual Report
Second Annual Report on Monitoring Judicial Proceedings in Montenegro
Anti-Corruption policies at the local level and what does the X-ray show?
First Annual Report on Monitoring Court Proceedings in Montenegro
First annual report on monitoring court proceedings in Montenegro - February 2018 - December 2018
Final Report - Civic Monitoring of the Presidential Elections - Montenegro 2018
Final Report - Civic Monitoring of the Local Elections - Montenegro 2018
Final Report- Civic Monitoring of the Local Elections in Ulcinj
Report on the implementation of the judicial reform strategy 2014-2018 in the period 2014-2016
Report on the Implementation of the Judicial Reform Strategy 2014-2016
Final report - Civic Monitoring of the Parliamentary and Local Elections – Montenegro 2016
Financing of Political Parties - Report 2006
Report on Campaign Financing and Abuse of State Resources - Parliamentary Elections 2009
Financing of Political Parties in Montenegro - Report 2005
Report on Financing of Political Parties for 2006
Report on Administrative Procedures in the Area of Spatial Planning and Construction
Report - Transparency and defense in Montenegro
Thematic report - Detention: frequency of determination and justification of imposition
Report - Monitoring of enforcement proceedings in Montenegro
Interim Report on Monitoring the Electoral Process - Montenegro 2016
Trial Monitoring Project - Report September 2011 - December 2012
Report on funds spent for the campaign of presidential candidates for the elections 2008
Public Opinion Survey - Citizens' Views on Public Administration
The Right to Free Access to Information - Challenges of Implementation in Montenegro
Research ,, Citizens' Views on the Influence of Disinformation and Foreign Influence on the Media"
Research "Media, Disinformation, and Foreign Influence in Montenegro"
Findings of public opinion poll about the corruption in health care system of Montenegro
Findings of the public opinion survey - "Contribution to the inclusion of LGBTI persons in the labor market"
Health Care System and Patient’s Rights in Montenegro – Winning citizens’ confidence
Citizens’ Confidence in the Electoral System
Public opinion poll - Citizens' perception of the efficiency of the judicial system of Montenegro and its bodies
Citizens' attitudes about the judicial system in Montenegro - research
Patient’s Rights and Corruption in the Healthcare System of Montenegro
Research among Social Science researchers - SEEDS project
Research among social science researchers - SEEDS project
Corruption in Montenegro 2014
Patients’ rights and corruption in the healthcare system of Montenegro
Corruption in Montenegro
Results of the research “Corruption in Healthcare and Patient's rights in the public Healthcare System of Montenegro”
Survey of citizens 'attitudes towards employment and workers' rights in Montenegro
Research report "Health care - preventive habits of Montenegrin citizens"
Survey on citizens' attitudes towards discrimination and social inclusion in Montenegro
Research of citizens' attitudes about education in Montenegro 2011
Infographics from the research findings 'Opinions of the Candidates for Members of Parliament: Potential for Electoral Reform'
Infographics from the findings of the Montenegrin National Election Study (MNES)
Infographics - Attitudes of the citizens about LGBTIQ persons on the labor market
Infographics - Project "Society without Prejudice: With Solidarity to Equality and Inclusion"
Infographics - Project "Contribution to the Development and Promotion of the Rights of Minorities and other Minority National Communities in Montenegro"
Infographics - Project "Restorative justice - alternative sanctions to resocialization"
Infographics - Project "Supporting Stakeholders in Implementing of Anti-Corruption Standards"
Infographics - Project " LET'S PUT CORRUPTION INTO MUSEUM!"
Infographics - "CeMI's Policy Expertise and Policy Impact on the National and International Level
Infographic regarding financial investigations for crimes in the field of organized crime, high corruption and money laundering in Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia
Infographics - Project "Smart start"
Infographic on the work of state prosecutors in the period 2015-2017