CEMI - Centar za monitoring i istraživanje

Two-Day Training on Advanced Skills for Supporting Women Victims of Violence and Gender-Based Violence

19. May. 2024. in news

From May 18th to 19th, we successfully organized a two-day training session for 10 professionals (judges, prosecutors, police officers, healthcare and social workers) on the topic "Advanced Skills for Supporting Women Victims of Violence and Gender-Based Violence" at the Bianca Resort & Spa hotel in Kolasin.

The seminar instructors were Prof. Dr. Vesna Ratkovic from the Faculty of Law at the University of Mediterranean and Chief Police Inspector Tamara Pavicevic from the Police Department.

The first day consisted of two sessions. In the first part, participants had the opportunity to learn about the legal framework, international instruments and standards, and the obligations of the state of Montenegro, with a special focus on the Istanbul Convention, the GREVIO Committee, and the recommendations of the UN, EU, and CoE. In the second part, participants addressed gender inequality as both a cause and a consequence of violence against women. Various types of violence against women were discussed through practical examples, exercises, and participant interaction.

The second day also consisted of two sessions, where participants learned about the needs of victims and the appropriate actions for state officials who come into contact with victims of violence, emphasizing the necessity of coordination and cooperation. The second part focused on police procedures regarding the prevention and repression of violence against women. Additionally, participants had the chance to engage in an active workshop, completing the People Pleaser quiz, a quiz on violence against women, and exchanging experiences and different opinions on the topic.

The training was organized as part of the project "Strengthening Judicial Mechanisms for Combating Gender-Based Violence," supported by the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights.

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