CEMI - Centar za monitoring i istraživanje

Guidelines for Handling Requests for Access to Information

30. May. 2024. in publications

The right to free access to information is one of the fundamental rights of every citizen in a democratic society. This right enables citizens to request and obtain information from public authorities, ensuring transparency in the functioning of institutions and their accountability to the public. Transparency and accountability of public administration are essential for building citizens' trust in institutions. For this reason, within the framework of the "PROSPECTA: Promoting Openness and Creation of Access for Efficient and Transparent Administration" project, supported by the Ministry of Public Administration, the "Guidelines for Handling Requests for Access to Information" were developed. These guidelines provide a clear overview of the legislative framework and judicial practices, which could help resolve uncertainties during the request processing.

The guidelines are specifically designed for civil servants to provide them with clear steps and examples for adequate and efficient handling of requests for access to information. The aim is to support officials throughout the request processing, ensuring that each request is handled in accordance with legal provisions and best practices. By more effectively implementing the Law on Free Access to Information, citizens will receive better responses to their requests, which is a crucial step towards improving the overall functionality of public administration.