CEMI - Centar za monitoring i istraživanje

Study "Administrative Investigation in the Fight against Corruption"

06. Jan. 2017. in publications

On the verge of initiating the two most arduous negotiation chapters for accession to the European Union, Montenegro remains burdened by adverse assessments in its efforts against corruption and organized crime. Reflected in the Progress Report of Montenegro is the imperative need to bolster anti-corruption policies and fortify institutions responsible for their enforcement. The report underscores the necessity to enhance the oversight role of institutions tasked with monitoring the financing of political parties and conflicts of interest, while also emphasizing the importance of establishing a sustained trajectory of advancement in the investigation, prosecution, and penalization of corruption cases, including those implicating high-level individuals. Furthermore, the report highlights the underutilization of financial investigations and underscores a lack of proactive engagement by institutions involved in combating corruption, particularly concerning cases involving high-ranking public officials.