CEMI - Centar za monitoring i istraživanje

Andrea Rovčanin

Andrea Rovčanin graduated in Political Science from the Faculty of Political Science in Podgorica, where she is currently pursuing her master's degree in Comparative Politics. As a representative of the Comparative Politics study program and a member of the Student Council of the Faculty of Political Science, she is actively involved in the executive committee.

Her professional career at CeMI began through the Government's professional training program, where she quickly demonstrated exceptional potential. Andrea distinguished herself by participating in a series of seminars, conferences, and training sessions, focusing on gender equality, human and minority rights, healthcare, and the rights of the LGBTIQ+ community.

Her skills were further enhanced through training in using the CrowdTangle platform, specializing in monitoring coordinated inauthentic behavior on social media (CIB), as well as training in practical public policy writing. Andrea possesses advanced computer skills, particularly in design, which she effectively uses in creating promotional materials for CeMI. Additionally, she is fluent in the English language.

Andrea participated in CeMI's observation missions during the presidential and parliamentary elections in 2023. During the parliamentary elections, she coordinated CeMI's Call center and worked on researching and analyzing coordinated inauthentic behavior on social media. Currently, Andrea contributes to CeMI as a Project Assistant.