CEMI - Centar za monitoring i istraživanje

Centre for Monitoring and Research

The Centre for Monitoring and Research – CeMI is a nongovernmental, non profitable organization, founded in March 2000, whose main goal is to provide infrastructural and expert support for continuous monitoring of the overall process of transition in Montenegro.

During its long and consistent work CeMI has contributed to changing social and political circumstances in which it was created, and consequently expanded the scope of its work towards legislative initiatives, public opinion polls, fight against corruption and respect of human rights and freedoms.

Amendment of the constitutional status and progress in the European integration process have positively impact the development of civil society in Montenegro, giving it an entirely new framework of the work. In that context, CeMI deviates from the work of regular non-governmental organization and is getting closer to the concept of a research center for the creation and representation of policy proposals.

CEMI, with the support by the OSI Think Tank Fund, Budapest, CeMI has restructured an internal organization in order to achieve optimal capacity utilization. Also the mission and vision of CeMI have changed in line with the newly established objectives.

From five programs that CeMI had in the past (Elections, Rule of Law, Good governance, Civil society and European integrations), CeMI has passed on to three clearly defined programs: (1) Democratization and Human Rights, (2) Fight against corruption, (3) Euro-Atlantic Integrations. In this way, CeMI will limit its work on the areas where has a significant experience and within which the actions of our organizations are recognized. Each program has a coordinator who manages all projects and assigns responsibilities. In this way, the professional stuff of CeMI has an opportunity to specialize in one of the three areas, and at the same time to provide support on the projects within other programs – which contributes to maximizing efficiency and expertise at the same time.


Montenegro as a country of free citizens, social justice, rule of law and equal opportunities.


CEMI is a Think Tank organization whose mission is to continuously provide support to reforms and strengthening of the institutions of the political system and civil society organizations through proposing and monitoring the implementation of public policies in the field of human rights and freedoms of European integration and fight against corruption in Montenegro.


Contribution to the effective implementation of public policies and international commitments in the areas of human rights and freedoms of European integration and fight against corruption;

Contribution to harmonization of national legislation and institutional framework with the requirements of the EU accession process;

To improve awareness and educate public about human rights protection and freedoms, European integration and fight against corruption;

Contribution to improving the efficiency of the work of institutions involved in the protection of human rights and freedoms, European integration and fight against corruption;

Increasing the transparency of the institutions of political system and civil society organizations.

Users of CeMI are: citizenzs, civil society organizations, media, local governments, public administration and enterprises.

CeMI team

dr Zlatko Vujović

President of the Governing Board


Teodora Gilić

Program director


Vladimir Simonović

Head of Legal Department


Nemanja Stankov

Head of the Department for public policy research


Andrea Rovčanin

Project assistant


Ilija Miranović

Project assistant


Nina Vučić

Project assistant


Elma Ljuca

Project assistant




Public policy research

Department in charge of the development of public policies was formed from Policy Research Unit, which was the core formed within the project dealing with strengthening capacity for evidence based advocacy. Advocacy activities have so far been carried out by the Legal Department, until the formation of Policy Research Unit took place, which has since then become the bearer of these activities. Key activities of this department are reflected in the monitoring of government public policy implementation in specific sectors, while on the other hand it implements comparative study of politics, with the aim to prepare public policy papers and represent acceptance of proposed solutions from national and local authorities in Montenegro. The special expertise of this department is related to the areas of the fight against corruption, electoral and party systems, the rights of minority communities, as well as poverty reduction and social inclusion.

Legal department

The legal department was key factor to development of Centre for Monitoring and Research, especially when it comes to legislative initiatives, monitoring and control of the regularity of the elections process. The pillar of the Legal Department was project “Trial Monitoring”, which has been implemented from 2007-2014 in partnership with OSCE Mission to Montenegro. The department is included in realization of most of the projects in Centre for Monitoring and Research, but it lays its focus on realization of the project “Monitoring of the judicial Reform”, implemented together with Human Rights Action (HRA). The department has broad range of expertise in the field of criminal civil, constitutional and administrative law.


U.S. Embassy in Montenegro
National Democratic Institute
The International Foundation for Electoral Systems
International Organization for Migration
Norwegian Embassy Belgrade
National Endowment for Democracy
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Deutsche Botschaft Podgorica