CEMI - Centar za monitoring i istraživanje

First Workshop on Submitting Requests for Free Access to Information

08. Jul. 2024. in news

CeMI today, within the framework of the project "PROSPECTA: Promotion of Openness and Creation of Access for Efficient and Transparent Administration" supported by the Ministry of Public Administration, organised a workshop titled "Submitting Requests for Free Access to Information", which took place at the premises of the PR Centre.

Participants had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the basic concepts related to the right to free access to information in the first part of the workshop, such as who the obligors of the Law and the requesters are, what constitutes a guide, and similar aspects.

In the second part, they applied the theoretical knowledge gained to practice and learned how to exercise their right to free access to information and prepare a draft request.

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