CEMI - Centar za monitoring i istraživanje

Launched mobile and web application "Za zdravije zdravstvo!"

12. Oct. 2022. in news

As part of the project "For healthier health care system!" CeMI launched mobile and web application for reporting on corruption and violations of rights in health care system.

Application ‘’Za zdravije zdravstvo’’ is an innovation from CeMI that allows citizens to report cases of corruption or abuse in the Montenegrin health care system. The application allows submission of photos, audio recordings, and other evidence. App is also a mechanism for informing and raising awareness among citizens about their rights as patients and will allow them to track the status of their reports directly through the application.

The primary goal of this app is to measure the overall level of corruption in the health care system of Montenegro, to identify specific institutions, sectors, and/or doctors/healthcare workers who are corrupted, and to raise awareness among healthcare workers and citizens about the negative consequences of corruption, as well as to to reduce the level of corruption in the healthcare system of Montenegro.

The application will allow managers and directors of health care institutions to monitor citizens' complaints and reports and to take appropriate measures to sanction or educate the workers about the corruption.

CeMI's legal team will regularly analyze the received content and act in accordance with it, by informing the public and responsible institutions about the main issues depending on the nature of the cases reported.

In addition to Android or iOS devices, the "Za zdravije zdravstvo" application can also be used via the website www.zazdravijezdravstvo.me.

The application is created within the project "For a Healthier Health Care System!", implemented by the Centre for Monitoring and Research (CeMI) is supported through the program "CSOs in Montenegro - from basic services to policy shapers - M'BASE" implemented by the Centre for Civic Education (CCE), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), NGO Center for the Protection and Research of Birds (CZIP) and NGO Politikon Network (PIN) from Montenegro. The project is financed by the European Union and co-financed by the Ministry of Public Administration.